Business Lessons from 2021

Business Lessons from 2021 - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

After a dormant year for selling your business in 2020, business sales transactions in 2021 increased by 14 percent despite the continued economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The double-digit growth in business sales occurred despite an economic climate that included a much-depleted labor force and supply chain disruptions that forced ships to spend…

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Top Questions Buyers Ask When They’re Considering Your Business

Top Questions Buyers Ask When They're Considering Your Business - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

You have started the process of selling your business. One of the most important steps of the entire process involves anticipating the questions asked by buyers that range from a small group of investors to one of the most experienced business brokers in the area. Here are a few of the common questions that represent…

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How to Increase the Value of Your Business Before You Sell

How to Increase the Value of Your Business Before You Sell - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

One of the most important goals you set involves increasing the value of your business. Whether you are considering acquiring another company or planning a strategy to boost future growth, increasing the value of your business should be a primary financial objective. This is especially true if you are planning to sell your business. When…

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3 Important Traits of a Successful Business Broker

3 Important Traits of a Successful Business Broker - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

Regardless of your company’s size, selling your business for a high value will require a business broker with particular traits, including strong organization and communication skills, a proactive mindset, and the knowledge to sell businesses similar to yours. There are many additional traits that indicate a skilled broker, such as a defined selling process, but…

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