How to Create an Exit Strategy for Your Business

How to Create an Exit Strategy for Your Business - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

Knowing when to sell or exit your business may be planned or sudden, but if you’re a business owner, it’s important to have an exit strategy in place before the decision. This article will outline an exit strategy for your business so you can move forward when the time comes. If you’re selling your business…

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Tips for Finding the Best Business Broker

Tips for Finding the Best Business Broker - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

Selling your business is likely to be the most important financial decision you will ever make. You’ll want to make sure you get top dollar for your hard work, but you might not know how much your business is worth or how to find the right buyer. That’s where a business broker comes in. They’re…

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Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business

Pre-Sale Checklist for Selling Your Business - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

A pre-sale checklist is a good way to ensure you have all of the details before selling your business. This will get you somewhat ahead of the due diligence list that will be provided by the buyer. Sunbelt can provide you with a ‘sellers questionnaire,’ which you can use to pre-screen buyers and prepare for…

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How Long Does It Take to Sell a Business?

How Long Does It Take to Sell a Business - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

Most times it takes between 4-12 months to sell a business. Occasionally it can take longer especially if the business experienced reduced revenues/profits after the listing went live. Remember that it may take 2-3 months to close a deal after signing a contract. The process can be shorter or longer depending on several factors, including…

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What is a Letter of Intent?

What is a Letter of Intent - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

A letter of intent is a preliminary document generated when selling your business that establishes the key terms of a proposed deal between two parties. The letter sets forth the agreed-upon terms and indicates that both parties are committed to moving forward with the transaction. Sunbelt, however, does NOT take letters of intent. They go…

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SBA Loans and Financing Your Business

SBA Loans and Financing Your Business - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

The prospect of buying an existing business can be pretty exciting. However, you must overcome a few major hurdles to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.  Most notably, you must find a way to finance the business you want to buy, which can sometimes be easier said than done. Fortunately, a talented team of business…

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Ways to Boost Leads and Optimize Marketing in 2022

Ways to Boost Leads and Optimize Marketing in 2022 - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

Have you been searching for ways to generate more leads and gain traction in the digital marketplace? Tired of throwing your hard-earned dollars away by investing in underperforming advertising tactics? Need to give your business a boost but not sure where to start? If these sound familiar, then this guide is for you. Below, the…

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Things to Consider When Looking to Buy a Business

Things to Consider When Looking to Buy a Business - buying a business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

Working with an experienced team of business brokers can help you find the right buyer if you are selling your business. On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur who has not settled on a business idea, buying a business might be a sound option. You don’t have to start from scratch, and buying…

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Obstacles for Businesses in 2022

Obstacles for Businesses in 2022 - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), the United States is home to more than 30 million small businesses that employ around 60 million people. The number of businesses declined at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2020, when the unemployment rate reached 13 percent. The national 2021 unemployment rate fell to just…

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