Latest News from Sunbelt Business Brokers

SBA Loans and Financing Your Business

SBA Loans and Financing Your Business - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

The prospect of buying an existing business can be pretty exciting. However, you must overcome a few major hurdles to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.  Most notably, you must find a way to finance the business you want to buy, which can sometimes be easier said than done. Fortunately, a talented team of business…

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Ways to Boost Leads and Optimize Marketing in 2022

Ways to Boost Leads and Optimize Marketing in 2022 - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

Have you been searching for ways to generate more leads and gain traction in the digital marketplace? Tired of throwing your hard-earned dollars away by investing in underperforming advertising tactics? Need to give your business a boost but not sure where to start? If these sound familiar, then this guide is for you. Below, the…

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Things to Consider When Looking to Buy a Business

Things to Consider When Looking to Buy a Business - buying a business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

Working with an experienced team of business brokers can help you find the right buyer if you are selling your business. On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur who has not settled on a business idea, buying a business might be a sound option. You don’t have to start from scratch, and buying…

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Obstacles for Businesses in 2022

Obstacles for Businesses in 2022 - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), the United States is home to more than 30 million small businesses that employ around 60 million people. The number of businesses declined at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2020, when the unemployment rate reached 13 percent. The national 2021 unemployment rate fell to just…

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What Exactly is a Business Broker and What Do They Do for Someone Selling Their Business?

What Exactly is a Business Broker and What Do They Do for Someone Selling Their Business - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

If you are about to start the process of selling your business, a business broker can help you find the right buyer that has the financial resources to get a deal done. Sunbelt pre-screens buyers by creating a profile that includes a Personal Financial Statement (PFS). Our system helps business owners know more about a…

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Business Lessons from 2021

Business Lessons from 2021 - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

After a dormant year for selling your business in 2020, business sales transactions in 2021 increased by 14 percent despite the continued economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The double-digit growth in business sales occurred despite an economic climate that included a much-depleted labor force and supply chain disruptions that forced ships to spend…

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Why Selling Your Business is One of the Biggest Transactions of Your Life

Why Selling Your Business is One of The Biggest Transactions of Your Life - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

You worked hard for years to build a profitable business. Now, the time has come to find the right buyer. Selling your business represents one of the biggest, if not the biggest transactions of your life. The value of your business most likely is worth more than any other asset you own. Even selling your…

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Top Questions Buyers Ask When They’re Considering Your Business

Top Questions Buyers Ask When They're Considering Your Business - selling your business - Sunbelt Business Brokers

You have started the process of selling your business. One of the most important steps of the entire process involves anticipating the questions asked by buyers that range from a small group of investors to one of the most experienced business brokers in the area. Here are a few of the common questions that represent…

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